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October 25, 2010


Tom Konrad

I think a major factor in the lack of RE companies in the list is simply that the lists focus on large cap companies. Vestas Market cap is about $19B. The next biggest pureplay I know of is First Solar, at $11.5B. Although that market cap might be enough to get it into a list of 500 or 1000 large companies (FSLR is in the S&P500 after all) it was not enough to get it on most of these lists, which include other criteria such as revenues to decide who gets ranked at all (at least this is true for the Newsweek list, which I recently looked at in detail: http://bit.ly/bjbs92

christian louboutin

I'd like to read more from you.

chrisitian louboutin

SustainAbility has launched their review just as the ratings are being taken more seriously and as their credibility and transparency are being called into question. SustainAbility's timing is good given the comments I highlighted in my last post regarding DJSI's puzzling selection of Haliburton. Looking beyond this one issue its also good given the growth in the number of sustainability related ratings, from 21 in 2000 to 108 today.

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